Is the answer of Law to climate change at the Amazon in the past? Portuguese considerations on the Brazilian legal regime of agricultural tenancy agreements and its reform




Agricultural Contracts, Environmental risks, Legal History, Legislation, Climate Change, Amazon


Objectives: Assuming Law as social technology, including private contracts, this research intents to study the ways for adapting the current legal regimes regarding agricultural tenancy agreements in Brazil to the challenges of adapting to Climate Change, especially in the most vulnerable regions, as the Amazon.

Methodology: Sound Legal Methods, such as the historical, the comparative and analytical, were followed, in order to identify the most feasible alternatives, from the learned lessons learned with the outcomes of the legal acts already in place, both in Brazil and in Portugal.

Results: The research reveals that, without profound changes of the Brazilian Law regarding agricultural contracts, even with only at the initiative of the parties, is possible to achieve a fairer allocation of the risks arising from Climate Change.

Contributions: This research opens new paths, as it goes beyond Public Policies for adapting economic activities to Climate Change, from a sound perspective of Private Law, having the Historical Sources of Brazilian Law as the point of reference.

Author Biography

Manuel David Masseno, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Beja (Portugal)

Professor Adjunto de Direito Empresarial no IPBeja – Instituto Politécnico de Beja e Pesquisador no CEG-Ab – Centro de Estudos Globais da Universidade Aberta, em Portugal. No IPBeja, desde há vários, leciona Arrendamento Rural à Graduação, assim como em Cursos de Pós-Graduação da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (“Clássica”). É Acadêmico Benemérito da ABLJA – Academia Brasileira de Letras Jurídicas Agrárias, desde 2005, pertence à UMAU – União Mundial dos Agraristas Universitários (Pelo Direito Agrário e Agroalimentar), desde 1989, e é Membro-correspondente da UBAU – União Brasileira dos Agraristas Universitários, desde 2015.


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How to Cite

Masseno, M. D. (2024). Is the answer of Law to climate change at the Amazon in the past? Portuguese considerations on the Brazilian legal regime of agricultural tenancy agreements and its reform. Review of Sdgs in Emerging Countries, 6(sdgs), e063.