Patent information searching for troubleshooting in hospital care: a technometric study



Palabras clave:

Hospital Care Innovation, Patent Analysis, Technometric Study, Healthcare Solutions, Patent2net Software


Objective: The study aims to explore the use of patent information for troubleshooting in hospital care, focusing on identifying relevant patents that offer low-cost and inclusive solutions to common problems in hospital settings.

Method: The research employs Patent2net, a free patent mining software, to extract relevant patent documents from the Espacenet database. The methodology revolves around identifying patents that address specific issues in hospital care, such as patient bathing, gastric drainage, pressure ulcers, and oral hygiene for intubated patients.

Results: The study successfully identifies several patents that can be freely reproduced in Brazil and are pertinent to the identified hospital care problems. These patents offer innovative, cost-effective solutions that can significantly improve patient care in critical hospital units.

Conclusions: The research concludes that patent information is a valuable resource for addressing common hospital care challenges. By utilizing patents that are freely reproducible and low-cost, healthcare facilities can improve patient care and tackle specific issues more effectively. The study demonstrates the practical applicability of patents in improving healthcare outcomes and underscores the importance of technometric studies in healthcare innovation.

Biografía del autor/a

Gleber Batista Ramão, Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, São Paulo

Holding a Master's in Healthcare Systems Management from the University Nove de Julho, this individual has a diverse educational background, including advanced training in U.S. healthcare systems from the University of Suffolk, Boston. They have earned a Bachelor's in both Education and Nursing, showcasing a strong foundation in healthcare and teaching. Their career includes significant roles as a faculty member in Brazilian colleges, emphasizing their dedication to education and nursing. Additionally, their experience extends to coordinating nursing at various hospitals, demonstrating their leadership and expertise in healthcare management. This varied experience reflects a commitment to both healthcare and educational excellence.

Renato Ribeiro Nogueira Ferraz, Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, São Paulo

Postdoctoral degree (2013), Doctorate (2007), and Masters (2003) in Basic Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) in São Paulo. They are currently pursuing a Medical degree at the Faculdade Nove de Julho, with an expected graduation in 2025. Additionally, they have completed a second Postdoctoral degree in Information and Communication Science (2019) from the Université de Toulon in France.

Luc Quoniam, Université Aix Marseille III, Marseille

Doctorate in Information and Communication Sciences from the same university (1988). They have a Master's in Oceanology from Université Aix Marseille II (1985) and two undergraduate degrees in Oceanology (1984) and Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Protection (1981) from Université Aix Marseille III. Currently, they are a visiting professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, a researcher at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR) in the Postgraduate Program in Science, Technology, and Society (PPGCTS), and the leader of the Lab4u Research Group. Additionally, they are affiliated with the IRSIC laboratory (EA4262) at Aix Marseille Université and the Université du Sud Toulon-Var. Their expertise lies in Information Science, focusing on areas like competitive intelligence, bibliometrics, intellectual property, and technological forecasting.


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Cómo citar

Ramão, G. B., Ferraz, R. R. N., & Quoniam, L. (2019). Patent information searching for troubleshooting in hospital care: a technometric study. Review of Sdgs in Emerging Countries, 1(00), e47.



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