Urban and environmental challenges of the lageado microbasin in itaim paulista


  • Ana Paula Koury Universidade São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo




Urbanization Impact, Water Resource Management, Lageado River , Watershed Flood , Risk Minimization , Environmental Sustainability


Objective: The primary aim of the study is to contribute to local urban development and regional plans of sub-municipalities through an examination of the Lageado river watershed in Itaim Paulista. This study also considers the significance of the watershed's contribution to the overall water source and aims to provide insights for establishing criteria to minimize risks. These criteria could be incorporated as parameters for land use and occupation, as well as guidelines for urban planning.

Method: The study focuses on diagnosing the complex environmental impacts resulting from the urbanization of the Lageado river watershed. This diagnosis involves understanding how the watershed interacts with anthropogenic processes, particularly in terms of pollution and contamination in relation to basic sanitation. A significant aspect is the risk of flooding and inundation, intensified by climate change. The technical parameter integrated into this study is the presence and volume of water in the microbasin, modeled through specialized software.

Results: The study identifies intense environmental impacts due to urbanization, emphasizing the need for preservation of water sources and water management as a major challenge. This challenge is crucial for maintaining the quality of life, especially for the local population. The study also highlights the lack of basic information in public policy actions regarding the relationship of the water source with anthropogenic processes.

Conclusions: The research concludes that a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the watershed and human activities, particularly in terms of pollution, contamination, and basic sanitation, is essential. This understanding is crucial for developing effective strategies to mitigate risks associated with flooding and climate change, thereby informing urban planning and land use policies.


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Como Citar

Koury , A. P. (2021). Urban and environmental challenges of the lageado microbasin in itaim paulista . Revista De Sustentabilidade E Desenvolvimento Global, 3(00), e15. https://doi.org/10.37497/2965-7393.SDGs-Countries.v3.n00.15


